Career Counselling
DDC conducts guest lecture and career counselling session frequently to enable students to take decision to choose the right career.

College Excursions
PDDC organises tours to different places. Trips can give students exposure to places they might not other wise visit. The motive of these tours is to explore and enhance students' learning by providing the opportunities for them to participate in curriculum-related activities out side the normal college routine.

Game and Sport
The college not only focuses on academic development but also on the physical and emotional developments of students. Variety of indoor & outdoor games are available under the supervision of expert coaches who also helps the students to qualify the physical tests of the competitions of Army, Air Force, ITBP, SSB etc.

Along with the text books and books of general interest, our library also subscribes magazines, newspapers and journals in Hindi & English. Optional "Book-Bank"facility is available in the library. In this scheme any student can take a set of text-books of his/her class in either medium (English or Hindi) for each academic session. For this purpose he/she has to become a member of book-bank by depositing then on-refundable membership fees of Rs.1000/-.

Computer Lab
Students, faculty and staff have access to the computer labs, which provide the tools and technologies to produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email, conduct data analyses and access library resources. Microsoft Windows software is available for word processing, statistics, spreadsheets and database management. A variety of graphics and website-creation software programs are also available.

Botany Lab
Botany Laboratory is well equipped with compound and Dissecting microscopes enough for each student to individually use it in class. In addition there are research microscopes for higher magnification to observe detail structure of microorganisms. Besides this the laboratory has anemometer, psychrometer, luxmeter, Soil Thermometer, pH meter, spectrophotometer, computer, laminar air-flow, autoclave hi-speed centrifuge and microtome for specific experiments for undergraduate level.

Zoology Lab
The Zoology Laboratory provides the students with a suitable environment to develop a detailed understanding of the animal kingdom by exploring the physical, morphological and physiological characteristics of animals. The laboratory presents through its instruments an ideal place for undergraduate students to study the histology of various cells, tissues and organs.

Geography Lab
Geography lab plays a pivotal role in enriching geographical base of a student- a necessary part of learning that exposes students to full spectrum of disciplinary subfields- physical, human and nature-society geography as well as geographical techniques. The lab is well equipped with a series of maps, topographic sheets and variety of survey equipments like tracing table, thermometers, barometer, magnetic compass, electric globe, anemometer, wind wane, standard time indicator and wet and dry bulb thermometers. CDs related to different topics are also kept in the lab. Field trips are organised for the students to study the natural occupancy of various facts and inform about physical changes with the help of Global positioning system and Geographic information system available on internet.

Physics Lab
In physics class, lab is central. Integral. Sacred. More than a mere place in the back of the classroom, the laboratory is the place where physics students do physics. It is in the laboratory that physics students learn to practice the activities of scientists - asking questions, performing procedures, collecting data, analysing data, answering questions, and thinking of new questions to explore. Our state-of-the-art Physics laboratory is equipped with modern equipments to help the students learn the concepts of Physics with experiments.

Chemistry Lab
The Chemistry Laboratory conducts fundamental studies of highway materials to understand both failure mechanisms and superior performance. New standard test methods are developed to improve and facilitate the chemical analysis of highway materials and to characterise and quantify new or alternative sustainable materials. The laboratory has all the necessary equipment for preparation of samples and standards for various analyses of samples. The laboratory houses traditional equipment including glassware, fume hoods, a muffle furnace, centrifuge, aggregate mill, ovens and also more specialised equipments.

Virtual Lab
Prabhu Dhan Degree College is the nodal centre of Virtual Lab, IT Delhi. Virtual labs is an initiative of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India under the national mission on education through ICT.